Start here
The next few pages are going to encourage you to think about your fitness goal and then provide us with information on your goal, how you move, and your current lifestyle. From this information and in discussion with yourself we will build a program that doesn’t just address your physical fitness but whole lifestyle to support and really reach the goal you want, but equally as important maintain that level of fitness.
Your Expectations
You will hopefully have some expectation of what is going to happen on what training you will do, potentially how quickly changes will occur and what goals with time frames to achieve. Firstly I would advise you to be open minded, there are so many ways in which goals can be achieved, in addition to so much poor advice and wrong information contained out in the world and on the internet. We will provide you with the truth from up to date research and very strong anecdotal evidence.
Be prepared for us to suggest things that you may have tried in the past, if you really did not get on with it there are always plenty of other ways in which we can achieve your goal. But also be open to different ways to attack the same situation for example exercises that didn’t work for you in the past, please allow us to coach you in a different manner, but if it still isn’t working then we will find another way to achieve the goal.
Because this is a wholistic program encompassing all three pillars of health and fitness we will address all three. But don’t worry this does not mean you’ll have a whole raft of tasks everyday filling your time. Everything will be worked around your current lifestyle including work and family. Having said this there may be some modifications to lifestyle and work that will be suggested to improve your fitness and health.
Our Expectation
We will be providing you will training and lifestyle advice and programs. This will require you to implement actions and perform tasks like training sessions or monitoring some lifestyle event. The more you can adhere to the advice and program the quicker you will achieve your goals. In addition the more feedback you can record the quicker we can make any necessary modifications to the program and advice.
However, we do understand that life can get in the way and there will always be events that will mean everything gets turned on its head. With as much warning as possible and consistency in following the program we will make you as robust as possible to be able to absorb these times and bounce back.
If you are finding the tasks impossible like the training or other tasks around sleep and nutrition pease do let us know as quick as possible. We will look into ways to modify or may suggest sticking with it and trying to build that consistency.
However, consistency is the answer. How you are today is a product of the last 6 days. How you are over the last 6 days is a product of you last 6 week. Your last 6 weeks is a product of the last 6months…. You can see how important consistency is.
The Wholistic program
There are 3 pillars to fitness and health that must be addressed.
Exercise - Sleep - Nutrition
Focusing on 1 will produce short term results but may not reach your end goal and will not be maintainable.
Take some time to listen through to the podcast series or have a read through our brief blog on the 3 Pillars of health and fitness to understand more on how important each is and how they are inextricably linked.
Note: The podcast link takes you to Apple Podcast. However, it is available on most podcast platforms.
What’s next?
We now need to build up a picture of your goal and current lifestyle and movement abilities. The few pages will take you through thinking and putting down a SMART goal on paper, assess your movement capabilities and ask you some lifestyle questions pertaining to sleep and nutritional habits. This is all crucial information needed to ensure we can create a great plan for your goals around your current situation and capabilities.
The last page has foundational movement work for you to start on instantly. The more you can understand about your bodies movement and abilities to the better.
Before that please take time to fill out a Physical Activity Readiness/Medical Form