Goal Setting

This is probably the most important aspect to get right! Having a clearly defined goal means a clear path can be created to reach it. The following page will take you through ways to ensure you have a good goal and creating a pathway with timeframe towards achieving it.

Your Goal!

What is the number one thing you would like to achieve?

Can you clearly write it down?

Fantastic if you can. Don’t worry if you cant, the following will help you define the goal that you want.

Focus in on the body. If you had a magic wand to wave that would instantly get you to where you want what would that be?

At the moment this could encompass a variety of things, for example: losing weight and wanting to have more energy or wanting to be fitter around the pitch and not feel so sore the day after training/matches.

Download the ‘Goal setting’ form to help you through this.

For each point then think of 5 ‘Whys’ you want to achieve it. This can be as selfish or selfless as you want, nobody is here to judge. Plus any bodily development is not selfish as it puts less strain on you, therefore allows you to be more available to help everyone else and in the long run can take strain away from the NHS!

Lastly, this/these goals need to be measurable so they can be tracked. For example if losing weight is your goal set an ideal weight. Or if sporting performance is the goal set some numbers from various fitness testing. Don’t worry if you cant think of specific numbers we can help you with this.

Making your Goal manageable

The goal(s) you’ve written down now can seem fairly daunting. How are you meant to achieve this?

Firstly, hopefully at the bottom of the first page of goal setting you put down when you would like to achieve this goal by? This is great, it doens’t have to be a specific date but a general month in a set year so there is a time frame. We will discuss this time and your specific goal to make sure it is achievable.

Next lets break that time frame down into some smaller chunks. The bigger the goal and/or longer the time frame the bigger the chunks will be. For example a 3 year goal may be broken down into yearly goals, or a 12 month goal may be broken down into 4 month chunks. Then think about your goal and how can you break it down into smaller chunks.

We will help you with this but it is good to start thinking about it. If you have a large goal over years we may then break it down into even smaller chunks.

Beat the Gremlins

Have you tried to achieve this goal before and failed?

What were the things that got in the way and caused you to fail?

Are there any worries or apprehensions about setting out on this journey?

Let us address the issues before they become an issue! The last part of goal setting is thinking about the problems that you may face along the road or even immediately. Once thought about then plan on how to overcome these problems. This may be your first step to address these or they may be things you know will crop up along the way.

Fill in 3 obstacles (or more) on the Goal Setting form. Then write down how you plan to overcome these.

Now you have some clear goals.

Don’t worry if you need to chat to us about them.

Time to move onto looking at your movement and lifestyle!